tonight, Ringo and Elvis. Snoopdog and Elton couldnt give a dam about photos being taken but tomorrow I will edit some photos of them which I take with my camera tomorrow. Be warned about Snoopdog and Ringo, they r master escape artists. Today Ringo climbed out of his cage once, Elvis did it to get attention and u might not b amused at this part, Snoopdog climbed into the chimney when Alice thought he was a small mouse, he climbed out of the cage too after Ringo. When climbing out of the cage the first time with Snoopdog the cage was shut but the second time the cage was open and that is how Ringo and Elvis came out too. Elton and Elvis r quite tame but Ringo is coping a bit, a little frightened but Snoopdog is a wee darling, he is a bit frightened but is getting over it. Here r those two fake posters I made just for ur veiwing. Elvis's poster is up the top meanwhile Ringos poster is down below. Hope u like them both.

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