Tuesday, August 28, 2007

NZ Falcon - Lesser number populations than the Kiwi B

Wow, the next post has finaly come at last. This has the pics and the stats for how much population are kiwis and how much of the population are New Zealand Falcons. As earlier I have described about how and why the New Zealand Falcon are becoming extinct, shooting is the main threat, also there is the destruction of habitat for this bird that we need to consider.

No 1 - Brilliant shot of the Karearea or New Zealand Falcon showing us what it looks like under the wings (full colour).

No 2 - A cool picture of a New Zealand Falcon or Karearea head (full colour).

No 3 - A picture of a mother New Zealand Falcon or Karearea feeding her chicks (full colour).

No 4 - A picture of a New Zealand Falcon or Karearea in its natural habitat sitting on a top of a tree (full colour).

No 5 - A brilliant scetch of a New Zealand Falcon or Karearea head (black and white colour).

As a bonus for reading both these blogs here is a special treat just 4 u, if u r a big fan of the New Zealand Falcons or Kareareas I have got the treat for u, a New Zealand Falcon or Karearea background showing 9 different heads of New Zealand Falcon or Karearea and I am totally not joking about this treat, its in full colour and it would suit any computer background, big or small.

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