Why did u think I said that? Ppl may b wondering why on earth would I say this. Frogs r becoming extinct right before our eyes, left right and centre. According to reasearch which I read in the latest Pet mag apparently anphibians (including the humble frog) r becoming extinct at the rate of 25 species per year. This is desperate for New Zealanders and frog lovers around the globe because our most known frog, the Archeys Frog is on the top 100 list of animals to become extinct. The other 3 frogs we have in NZ r on that list so save the frogs. Frogs r important to our ecological system so how would we get rid of the flies if the spider was allready extinct. I know they might be slimy but let me say something, the frogs and amphibians (including the axolotyl) r becoming extinct before our very eyes and we need to do something about it right now before all the amphibians we know becomes extinct.