These r the questions :
1 - Who is the Haast Eagle Shark named after??
2 - What were they into??
I have got the answers for the questions if they have popped into ur mind allready. I am producin a slideshow on this famous big bird and all New Zealand Native Frogs. Well heres the answers.
1 - The Haast Eagle is named after a European Geologist Sir Julius Von Haast, get the name correct and ull remember what he did
2 - He was the first person to study the bones of this amazing eagle, he also gave the Haast Eagle its scientific name
Harpagornis Mooire or something like that, he named South Islands glacier after a famous European Emporer, all the places of Haast r named after him and the final bit is he founded the Christchurch Museum.
He visited New Zealand I guess for no reason at all but he is a hero to me, he died one year before I was born, I wish Id have lived to meet him because in other words Julius Von Haast ur one of my heros and u deserve that title, u really do. So now u know what he did and I am proud to say he is one of New Zealands founders so good on u Sir Julius Haast, everybody needs to know what u did because u did things which r special to New Zealanders young and old everywhere, I feel that u need to be remembered my hero of a kind for birds everywhere.